LASTMA has introduced See Something Say Something

LASTMA has introduced See Something Say Something - a solution to drive the voluntary compliance of motorists with traffic laws, while ensuring a hassle-free experience on Lagos roads. LASTMA is now equipped with modern technology to assist in identifying traffic violators, making it practically impossible to escape when you have pending fines on traffic offences.

Once your vehicle is captured and you're identified as an offender with unsettled fines, you get a yellow sticker on your vehicle as a reminder to settle any outstanding fines within a 30-day period. Failure to do so after the expiration of the 30-day ultimatum will result in your vehicle being impounded. You can check for outstanding fines by inserting your plate number in the search bar above.You can also proceed to make payment if you have an unsettled fine. LASTMA's See Something Say Something is your friendly signal to settle up and enjoy a stress-free ride.